Monday, January 7, 2008

Bringing Healthy Back

IN: A no-starve diet of health-boosting foods.
Leafy salads. Mangoes. Lemon water. Nutty, Grainy cereals. Green tea.

5 MINUTES AGO: detox fasting. diet soda. hot chocolate.

OUT: Betting high-calorie sinful desserts at ND games.
Cozy holiday foods. Egg nog. Light Twinkies. Crunch Berries. Irish coffee.

For some reason the smell of the 62 degree air today gave me a boost of pep. It made me feel a haunting sensation of being on vacation. Perhaps it was the combination of the fresh air smell, getting out early and having breakfast at Uptown with my dad. I always eat better on vacations then come home a few pounds lighter and try to keep up whatever vacation diet I fell into. I remember a few years ago, it was the "Vegas diet" where I ate loads of melon, peanut butter granola bars, loads of water and a sensible dinner.

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